
[1] Zhou Y, Liu L, Gou C. Learning from Observer Gaze: Zero-Shot Attention Prediction Oriented by Human-Object Interaction Recognition, In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2024. (CCF-A)

[2] Zhou Y, Tan G, Li M, Gou C. Learning from Easy to Hard Pair: Multi-step Reasoning Network for Human-Object Interaction Detection, In Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Multimedia (ACM MM), 2023. (CCF-A)

[3] Zhou Y, Tan G, Zhong R, Li Y, Gou C. PIT: Progressive Interaction Transformer for Pedestrian Crossing Intention Prediction, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (T-ITS), 2023. (JCR-Q1, IF 7.9)

[4] Zhou Y, Liu X, Guo Z, Cai M, Gou C. HKTSG: A Hierarchical Knowledge-guided Traffic Scene Graph Representation Learning Framework for Intelligent Vehicles. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles (T-IV), 2024. (JCR-Q1, IF 14)

[5] Gou C (Advisor), Zhou Y, Xiao Y, Wang X and Yu H. Cascade learning for driver facial monitoring. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles (T-IV), 8(1), 2023, pp.404-412. (JCR-Q1, IF 14)

[6] Zhou Y, Tan G, Gou C. Hierarchical Home Action Understanding with Implicit and Explicit Prior Knowledge. In Proceedings of International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, 2024. (CCF-B, Oral)

[7] Gou C. (Advisor), Zhou Y, Li D. Driver attention prediction based on convolution and transformers. The Journal of Supercomputing, 2022, 78(6): 8268-8284. (JCR-Q2)

[8] Zhou Y, Zhang Y, Zhao Z, et al. Toward Driving Scene Understanding: A Paradigm and Benchmark Dataset for Ego-Centric Traffic Scene Graph Representation. IEEE Journal of Radio Frequency Identification, 2022, 6: 962-967.

[9] Liu X, Zhou Y, Gou C. Learning from Interaction-enhanced Scene Graph for Pedestrian Collision Risk Assessment. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles, 2023. (JCR-Q1, IF 14)

[10] Zhong R, Zhou Y, Gou C. EST-TSANet: Video-based Remote Heart Rate Measurement Using Temporal Shift Attention Network. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2023. (JCR-Q1, IF 5.6)

[11] Huang Z, Zhou Y, Zhu J, Gou C. Driver Scanpaths Prediction based on Inverse Reinforcement Learning. In Proceedings of International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, 2024. (CCF-B)

[12] 苟超, 刘欣欣, 郭子鹏, 周昱臣, 王飞跃. 无人驾驶突发紧要场景下基于平行视觉的风险增强感知方法. 中国图象图形学报, 2024. (CCF-B)

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